Ice breaker of the project

I learned to 3D print and troubleshoot a 3D printer. I designed a product and learned about
the very basics of waste reduction and strengthening.

Azimuth rotation

Azimuth rotation is the left to right rotation of the telescope. I took that up as it would
give me some experience of working with motors and 3D printed parts. I basically designed 2 gears and a motor holder for it.

Unipolar DC motors and faults in design

I learned about Dc motors and their types. It become frustrating after a point and my design
of the motor holder didn't fit in the mount. I printed another holder just to find out that my motors didn't had enough torque.

Using 360 Servos and modifying motor holder

Since the 28BYJ-48 DC unipolar motors lacked torque, I used 360 servo motors
Servo motors' spinning axis is slightly offsetted from the centre which made
designing a holder even more difficult.

Horizontal Movement

I completed my azimuth movement and it was time to switch to horizontal axis.
as assumed, I had a handful of experience in 3D printing by now so some part of the task
was made easy. I used thread based mechanism to control horizontal movement with precision.


Gurukul road, Memnagar
Ahmedabad, Gujarat
